The Subjunctive mood
these are sentences that express present situations, which are not possible to happen.

The if - clause also states a conditional sentence.

The use of the past form of the verbs have, can, and were
is important to note since th act of wishing wich is something attainableput the verb in subjunctive mood.

Theses expressions of wishing goes with the verbs could were or would
Singular subject needs a singular verb and plural subject need a plural verb. Not all verbs howeverare action verbs. There are verbs that show a state of being or condition.

linking verbs are also called copulative verbs.
Intensive pronouns is used to emphaasize the subject of the sentence.

Reflexive pronoun is used as subject of the preposition or diract object in the senten
A relative pronoun introduces a clause called adjective clause. they are placed to there antecedents.

Who, Whom, Whose are used to refer people, while witch and that are used to refer things and animals. On the other hand relative pronoun when refers to time and date, while where refers to place.
Indefinite pronouns do not refer to a particular person, place, or thing. A noun does not immediatley follow it. These words when followed by a noun become an adjective pronoun.
Pronouns have gender. They are maasculine, feminine, comon, and neuter.

                                       Subject                              Object                           Possessive

First Person 
           I        We                        Me     Us                                My         Ours       

Sencond               You      YOU                     YOU      You                          Your       Yours    

Third                    He She it    They               him her it    Them                   His Hers     Their theirs

A pronoun is a word to take the place of a noun.
Verbals that end in ing are called gerunds. While verbals used with the word to are called infinitifes. they can also be used as:

Subject, Direct object, Appositive, Subject complement of predicate noun, object of the preposition

Infinitive cannot ba used as object of the preposition because of the expression to before he verb.

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase placed next to another noun or pronoun to give additional information about the noun or pronoun.

Appositives are set off from the rest of the of a sentence by commas.

if the appositive comes at the begining of a sentence, put a comma put a comma after it.

if the appositive comes last in the sentence put a comma before it.

Possesive nouns

A Noun that expresses ownership or possession is inthe possessive case. The symbol used in the possesive case is the apostrophe and the s.

Add 's to the singular form of noun to show singular possession.
e.g. Girl's book report

Add ' only to the plural nouns ending in -s.
e.g. Girl's project

Add apostrophe and -s if the plural form does not end in -s.
e.g. Women's loyalty

When 2 or more nouns eachown an object, separate ownership is observed.
Nouns used as the subject of the verb or as predicate noun are in the nominative case.

Nouns as the object of the preposition and or direct object are in the objective case.

Case is a quality of noun relation ship to a word or words in the sentence.